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Nothing is more exciting to consumers today than the latest solutions for their ever-expanding electronic lifestyles. That lifestyle extends from their earphones to their home theater and everything in between from car audio to distributed sound.

As consumers get more educated to electronic solutions, they come to expect high standards wherever they go. And they want to stay in constant contact with their favorite sources of entertainment – through satellite and online delivery systems.

The rapid change and complexity of the Consumer Electronics category requires a distributor who is committed to your product all the way through the purchase cycle. JAM has the size, product management teams and flexibility to manage all these customer touch points.

Of critical importance is JAM’s ability to fulfill after sales service, technical support and warranty repair. Our established sales and distribution networks should make JAM your first choice for meeting “first to market” objectives in a competitive, seasonal marketplace. If you are going into the ring with your new product in Canada or the USA, go with a heavyweight distributor.

And grow with JAM.

JBL headphones image

Erikson Multimedia

Erikson Multimedia distributes the most sought after multimedia products ranging from Bluetooth portable speakers, headphones, mobile or health & wellness accessories, They distribute award-winning product to key national/regional chains and specialized independents.

Serving the Canadian Market

Erikson Consumer

Erikson Mobile

Erikson Mobile specializes in products designed for vehicles such as car amplifiers, speakers, bass boxes, marine speakers, and satellite radio. Distribution includes a range from large chains to specialty retailers.

Serving the Canadian Market

shelf stereo system - consumer electronics

Erikson Home

Erikson Home distributes a select group of audio products including home theater, mobile audio/video, and custom products that are found in national and regional CE chains, department stores, furniture and appliance chains, and specialized independents. Products distributed include home theater receivers, loudspeakers, CD, turntables, headphones, and custom electronics.

Serving the Canadian Market

consumer electronics - XM radio electronic device


Sirius has been part of the Exertis | JAM network since its entry into Canada. Through its enormous distribution range, and prolific sales of the high profile satellite radio content, Sirius quickly warranted it becoming its own consumer electronics division.

Following the merger with XM Radio the division expanded to include all hardware products sold under the SiriusXM banner.

Serving the Canadian Market

Sirius XM logo

shelf stereo components for consumer electronics

American Audio & Video

American Audio & Video (AA&V) is a global importer and distributor of consumer electronic products. AA&V prides itself on its unique business approach.

Specifically, the brands under the AA&V umbrella are carefully selected on an exclusive basis. As such, the line card breadth is more specialized in scope, and distribution of these brands is more tightly controlled. The category of products range from specialty High Fidelity brands and products, Audio/Video Accessories, and the one and only original and iconic Marshall Fridge.

American Audio & Video has built strong associations with independent representatives and representative firms who have the immediate pulse of their local business environment. This makes for more personalized attention to the needs and circumstances of AA&V dealers, where services will be tailored to individual situations.

Serving the U.S. Market